
Frequently asked questions

Keyword Question
Archives Do mailing-lists have searchable archives?
Archives Fee for large archive imports
Bounces How does bounce processing work?
Cancellation How do I cancel my list hosting?
Digests How do digests work?
DNS records How do I create DNS records for my list's domain?
Domain Can I use my own domain name for my mailing-list?
Email Why don't I receive a copy of my own email from the list?
Limit What happens if my list exceeds its subscriber limit?
Limit How do I increase the subscriber limit on my list?
Mailman 3 Is Mailman 3 available?
Migrate How can I migrate a list from another provider?
Ordering How do I order a list?
Password How can passwords be recovered?
Refund Can I get a refund?
Renew How do I renew my list hosting?
Server locations Where are MailmanLists' servers located?
Subscribers How do I export a file of my subscribers' addresses?
Unsubscribe How do I put an unsubscribe link in my list's emails?

User guides

Mailman 3 -- List Member Manual   (English only)
This guide contains instructions for members of Mailman 3 mailing lists so they can learn to use the features available to them. This focuses on the web interface and includes sections on joining and leaving lists, editing options and other subscriber-level tasks.

Mailman 2 -- List Administration Manual   Barry Warsaw, 2019   (English only)
Information for list administrators to configure and administer their lists, using the web interface and email.
Mailman 2 -- List Member Manual   Terri Oda, 2019   (English only)
Instructions for members to subscribe and unsubscribe, view archives, edit their options, get password reminders, and other member-level tasks.