Archives |
Do mailing-lists have searchable archives? |
Archives |
Fee for large archive imports |
Bounces |
How does bounce processing work? |
Cancellation |
How do I cancel my list hosting? |
Digests |
How do digests work? |
DNS records |
How do I create DNS records for my list's domain? |
Domain |
Can I use my own domain name for my mailing-list? |
Email |
Why don't I receive a copy of my own email from the list? |
Limit |
What happens if my list exceeds its subscriber limit? |
Limit |
How do I increase the subscriber limit on my list? |
Mailman 3 |
Is Mailman 3 available? |
Migrate |
How can I migrate a list from another provider? |
Ordering |
How do I order a list? |
Password |
How can passwords be recovered? |
Refund |
Can I get a refund? |
Renew |
How do I renew my list hosting? |
Server locations |
Where are MailmanLists' servers located? |
Subscribers |
How do I export a file of my subscribers' addresses? |
Unsubscribe |
How do I put an unsubscribe link in my list's emails? |